Hubble Types of Galaxies

as illustrated by the Messier galaxies
A turned-around and mirrored Hubble tuning-fork.

"Early" Hubble types are top, "late" bottom in this diagram. For spirals, "Bar" structures move a galaxy to the right.

As almost all galaxies, the 40 galaxies in Messier's catalog (including the M102 candidate NGC 5866) find their place in the Hubble type diagram, as shown below.

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                               M110, E6pec
                               M59, E5
                               M49, E4
                         M32, cE2     M60, E2 
                         M87, E1      M105, E1 
                               M89, E0 
            M84, S0+    M86, S0+   M85, S0(s)+  M102/NGC 5866, S0_3
                         |        |        |
                  M104, Sa      M65, SABa

                         |        |        |

          M81, Sab   M94, S(r)ab  M77, SABab   M90, SABab
                M64, Sab          M96, SABab   M98, SABab

                         |        |        |

               M31, Sb        M58, SABb      M91, SBb
               M88, Sb        M66, SABb       M95, SBb

                         |        |        |

             M63, Sbc     M100, SABbc  M61, SABbc    M109, SBbc 
             M51, Sbc          M106, SABbc    

                         |        |        |

               M74, Sc      M99, Sc     M83, SABc 

                         |        |        |

                 M33, Scd     M101, SABcd     M108, SBcd  


                               M82, Ir-II 

Hartmut Frommert (
Christine Kronberg (

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Last Modification: 14 Feb 1998, 17:30 MET