Caroline Herschel's Deep Sky Objects

Besides and before assisting her brother, William Herschel, in his great Deep Sky survey starting in late 1782, Caroline Herschel herself was an avid astronomical observer, and discoverer of comets (she originally found 8 of them) and deepsky objects. William Herschel has included her discoveries in his catalog, and assigned numbers to them.
M     NGC       Herschel   RA       Dec     Con  Type   Discovery Date

M110 NGC 205 H V.18 00:40.4 +41:41 And G E5p 1783 Aug 27 NGC 225 H VIII.78 00:43.4 +61:47 Cas OC 1784 NGC 253 H V.1 00:47.6 -25:17 Scl G Sc 1783 Sep 23 NGC 381 H VIII.64 01:08.3 +61:35 Cas OC 1783 NGC 659 H VIII.65 01:44.2 +60:42 Cas OC 1783 NGC 891 H V.19 02:22.6 +42:21 And G Sb 1783 Aug 27 (according to W.H. Smyth) NGC 2204 H VII.13 06:15.7 -18:39 CMa OC 1783 Feb 26 (appendix to W.H.'s 1st catalog) NGC 2349 H VII.27 07:10.0 -08:37 Mon non-ex 1783 NGC 2360 H VII.12 07:17.8 -15:37 CMa OC 1785 (1983 Feb 26?) M 48 NGC 2548 H VI.22 08:13.8 -05:48 Hya OC 1783 NGC 6633 H VIII.72 18:27.7 +06:43 Oph OC 1783 NGC 7380 H VIII.77 22:47.0 +58:06 Cep C+N 1787 NGC 7789 H VI.30 23:57.0 +56:44 Cas OC 1783 fall
Unless otherwise noted, the Caroline Herschel findings were looked up in John Herschel's General Catalogue.

In a posting to the Netastro Catalog email list (, William C. Bryson points out that from above list, NGC 891 and NGC 2204 might be mis-assignments (this email is also source of the NGC 2204 entry in this page; thanks !)

The above list contains 13 entries, but according to G. Buttmann (1961), p. 64, Caroline stated to have observed 14 objects until the end of 1783. If you have any information on the missing 14th entry, or corrections to the above, please email me.

Caroline Herschel was honored lately by the astronomical community by naming a Lunar Crater after her.

  • Short biography of Caroline Herschel
  • Biography of Caroline Herschel (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland)


    Please email me any additions, corrections, or comments. Especially, one source gave the number of 14, but didn't identify them, so, if you can, please help me with the remaining single one entry.

    Hartmut Frommert (
    Christine Kronberg (

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