Objects within the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, NGC 292)

Object           Type  RA (2000.0) Dec  m_v   dim

NGC 121 GC 00:26.8 -71:32 10.6 1.5 NGC 220 NGC 242 N13 N12 NGC 265 OC 00:47.6 -73:29 12p N19 N22 N30 N36 NGC 292 00:52.7 -72:50 2.3 280x160 [SMC galaxy] NGC 330 Dun 23 OC 00:56.2 -72:29 9.6 1.9 NGC 339 OC* 00:57.7 -74:29 11.9 2.2 NGC 346 Dun 25 C/N 00:59.1 -72:11 10.3 5.2 w/ nebula N66 N66 NGC 361 OC* 01:02.2 -71:33 11.8 1.5 NGC 371 Dun 31 SC 01:03.3 -72:05 7.5 w/ nebula N76 N76 NGC 376 Dun 36 OC 01:03.9 -72:49 N78 NGC 395 OC NGC 411 NGC 416 OC* 01:08.1 -72:21 11.0 1.1 NGC 419 OC* 01:08.3 -72:53 10.0 2.6 N83 N84 N85 NGC 456 Dun 7 C/N 01:14.4 -73:17 15 NGC 458 NGC 465 OC
Object identifier (NGC/IC, Dunlop)
Object type: GC, Globular Cluster; OC, Open Cluster (*: Classified as GC in Sky Catalogue 2000.0); C/N: Open Cluster associated with Diffuse Nebula; SC, Star Cloud.
RA, Dec
Right Ascension and Declination for epoch 2000.0
m_v, dim
visual brightness in magnitudes and dimension in arc minutes

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    Hartmut Frommert (spider@seds.org)
    Christine Kronberg (smil@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)

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    Last Modification: 28 Nov 2001, 23:30 MET