Johan [Jan] Hevelius (1611-87)

Johan (or Jan, or Johannes) Hevel (or Hevelke; latinized Hevelius) was living in Dantzig as a wealthy brewer and city councillor. He built his observatory "Sternenburg" on the upper floors of four houses, and installed a 130-foot focal length air telescope. His contributions to astronomy include: For the latter project, he obtained positions for 1564 stars. These were eventually published posthumously in 1690 by his second wife, Elizabeth Margarethe, in a catalogue, Prodomus Astronomiae, and an atlas, Uranographia, which contained 54 fine plates. Both these works also contain the positions of 16 'nebulous stars'. Unfortunately, of these, only two (M31 and M44) are real deepsky objects, which did not prevent this collection to become famous and cause many astronomers to spend a lot of time to look for them without success, including Derham and Messier.

  • Hevelius' 16 "Nebulosae" (Derham's extract from Prodomus Astronomiae)
  • Johann Hevelius: URANOGRAPHIA (1690) (Celestial and Terrestrial Atlases collection at the The Astronomic Observatory of Brera of the University of Milano, Italy)
  • Johannes Hevelius biography and references, Galileo Project at Rice University
  • Hevelius images from the Tycho Brahe exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford

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