Distances of the Local Group member galaxies, from various sources

The distances of the member galaxies of the Local Group are often not very wellknown. The following table gives values from various sources, in thousands of lightyears (kly; e.g., in our database, M31 is 2.9 million light years, thus 2900 times 1000 light years distant):
Galaxy         Ours  SC20  Kauf  RASC  LGAA  TP    is5   GL   vdB94  Cam  vdB00

WLM 4200 5200 2850 3100 2000 2000 3064 3065 3100 IC 10 4200: 4200 4100 2850 4000 4000 4075 4075 2150 Cet Dw 3000: 2530 2540 NGC 147 2400: 2380 2000 2000 2150 2000 2200 2200 2150 1920 2150 And III 2900: 2380 2250 2380 2200 2200 2360 2575 2480 NGC 185 2500: 2380 2000 2380 2150 1860 2200 2200 2020 2020 2150 M110 2900 2380 2250 2380 2100 2500 2200 2200 2360 2360 2480 And IV 2900: 2380 (2360) (2480) M32 2900 2380 2250 2380 2150 2500 2200 2200 2360 2360 2480 M31 2900 2380 2250 2380 2180 2500 2200 2200 2360 2360 2480 And I 2900: 2380 2250 2580 2200 2200 2360 2575 2640 SMC 210 195 190 195 210 195 300 300 189 189 196 Scl dw 300: 280 270 280 280 360 200 200 254 254 293 LGS 3, Psc dw 3000: 2900 2380 3000 3000 2480 2480 2640 IC1613 2900: 2400 2100 2410 2410 2400 2500 2500 2495 2495 2350 And V 2900: 2640 2640 And II 2900: 2380 2250 2380 2200 2200 2360 1915 2220 M33 3000 2930 2350 2180 2380 3600 2500 2500 2590 2590 2580 Phe dw 1600: 1270 1270 1300 For dw 530: 420 650 420 550 420 500 500 427 427 456 UGCA 86 2050 2100 5900 UGCA 92 3000: 11400 6500 LMC 179 165 170 165 165 175 200 200 160 160 163 Car dw 300: 550 500 550 280 300 300 284 284 326 Leo A 7000: 7500 3600 5200 5000 5000 7500 7500 2250 Sex B 4000: 4200 4240 NGC 3109 4100: 3900 4110 Ant dw 4100: 3750 Leo I 880: 750 700 750 750 750 600 600 890 880 820 Sex A 4000: 3300 4200 4240 Sex dw 300: 280 280 300 300 257 293 293 Leo II 800: 750 700 750 750 750 4000 600 700 750 685 GR 8 5000: 3260 4000 4000 3900 6500 UMi dw 240: 240 220 240 220 220 220 330 205 225 196 Dra dw 280 260 220 260 220 240 240 300 248 248 260 Milky Way 28 28 26 SagDEG 80 78 97 Sgr dw, SagDIG 2000: 3600 4000 4000 3600 3750 3850 N6822 1700: 1700 1630 1700 1530 2020 1700 1700 1760 1760 1630 Aqr dw 2000: 4900 3000 3000 2600 2900 3100 IC5152 3000: 4900 4900 2000 2000 5200 5200 Tuc dw 3000: 950 950 2930 2840 And VII 2900: 2480 2250 Peg dw 6000: 4200 5500 5000 5000 5700 5870 2480 And VI 2900: 2530 2540
Unconfirmed Member Candidates: ------------------------------ UMa dw 400 Sex C 450
Nearby probable non-members: ---------------------------- SDIG 6500 NGC 404 8000: Maffei 1 11400 NGC 1569 7500 7500 NGC 1560 7500 7500 Cam A 6500 Argo dw 12000: 11400 NGC 5237 11400 DDO 187 14300 2318-42 UKS2323-326 4500: 4200 4200
The value used in our database
A. Hirshfeld and R.W. Sinnott, Sky Catalogue 2000.0, Sky Publishing 1985
William J. Kaufmann III, Universe, Freeman 1987 (2nd ed), p. 514. Also lists Maffei 1 at 3.3 million light years.
RASC Observer's Handbook
Le Grand Atlas de L'Astronomie, Encyclopedia Universalis, 1986. German edition: "Der große JRO Atlas der Astronomie"
Tom Polakis, Observing Galaxies in the Local Group. Deep Sky, No. 36, p. 12. Reprinted in: David J. Eichler (ed.), Galaxies and the Universe, Kalmbach 1992.
Klaus Veit, Galaxien der Lokalen Gruppe. interstellarum No. 5 (Nov 95-Jan 96)
George Lake, Cosmology of the Local Group. The data are better accessible through Bill Arnett's table of Local Group galaxies
Cambridge Group of Mike Irwin
Sidney van den Bergh, The Outer Fringes of the Local Group, AJ 107 (4): 1328-1332 (April 1994)
Sidney van den Bergh, Updated Information on the Local Group, PASP 112 (770): 529-536 (April 2000)

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    Hartmut Frommert (spider@seds.org)
    Christine Kronberg (smil@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)

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