Digital Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon

Edited by
Jeff J. Gillis
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Foreword by
Paul D. Spudis
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas

LPI Staff Credits
Michael S. O'Dell, Programmer
James A. Cowan, Programmer
Debra J. Rueb, Photographer

Mary Ann Hager
Jackie Lyon
Heather Scott
Barbara Parnell
Mary Noel
Renee Dotson

LPI Contribution #999

This Digital Archive is based on the Lunar Orbiter images contained in Bowker D. E. and Hughes J. K. (1971) Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon, NASA SP-206, NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office, Washington, DC.

Copyright 2000 Lunar and Planetary Institute / Universities Space Research Association

The Institute is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NASW-4574 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Additional support for the project was provided Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, under NAG5-4172 (L. A. Haskin) and NAG5-6784 (B. L. Jolliff) with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.